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FBF US Marines Flag Cuff Sock
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FBF California Flag Sock
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The California State Flag was first flown during "The Bear Flag Revolt" in 1846. However it was not the first to fly over California. In 1836 "The Lone Star Flag" flew after a revolt against Mexico which won Monterey but not total freedom from Mexico. That Lone 5 point Red Star became part of the current flag. The original Bear Flag was raised ...
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First Responders are all heroes to me. Many have saved me as an undeserving youth and as a fortunate adult. Some of those responders helped me to grow up. Some as a kid and some as mentors, teachers and classmates Sheriffs normally handle the counties in a state. Depending on the state those counties can be as big as a state! The Sheriff Badge h...
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The United States Air Force flew under the US Army from 1909 to 1947 under many different names. On September 18, 1947, President Truman gave the United States Air Force its first Birthday Party! In 1949 "Lucky Lady II" demonstrated that a US plane could fly non-stop around the world. That was just the beginning. In 1952 The B-52 was added to th...
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The United States Army is the oldest service of the United States of America. It was started by the Second Continental Congress in 1775 and placed under General George Washington. At the time they were all separated Militia groups from all the colonies. By the end of the war most were a cohesive unit of men. One of the first groups named inside ...
FBF US Navy Flag Cuff Sock

FBF US Navy Flag Cuff Sock
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October 13, 1775 the 2nd Continental Congress made a resolution to start a Navy After the end of the war the Navy was disbanded. (Bad move but 20/20 hindsight!) Let's not do it again! The Navy was used mostly for moving troops and equipment and some blockades if possible. Then later in the War, John Paul Jones decided to put a thorn into Brito...
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