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- Cat Socks for Men
This Category is built on the idea that Guys love their Cats Too! This Category will have Cat Breeds and Cat Types and Colors. You Men will also get the Cat shenanigans we all love. Do you love Grumpy Cat? This is a great place to look for the Grump of all Cats!
Cat Socks for Men

Grumpy Cat Mens No Candy Here Sock
$ 9.50
ON SALE! WHEN THIS SOCK IS SOLD OUT IT WILL BE DISCONTINUED! Calling all Guys, Men, Gentlemen who love Halloween here is a fun Sock for you! It's a Grumpy Cat Sock. Grumpy Cat jumps into the Candy Jack-O-Lantern for you to see what Candy the kids brought home from their tour of the neighborhood. He pops back out with a Sad Face and tells you, "...

K Bell Mens Cat Scratch Sock
$ 12.00
These Cats are being on the Naughty Side! They are looking out at you saying, "Who Me? Not Me! It was Him!" As they both are Scratching. How to fix this behavior? Cat Scratches on anything other than toys and equipment made for Scratching is not good. Drapes are a number one problem or ends of furniture like sofa arms or door jams can be wonderf...

Laurel Burch Mens Blue Felines Socks
$ 13.00
Laurel Burch Mens Blue Felines Socks is another example of a Native Style Mask that gives this Cat an ancient feel and a modern feel at the same time. Incorporating the old into the new with color and imagination gives this sock a high def Cat for the man who loves Art and Felines. Laurel Burch Mens Blue Felines start on a Navy background with ...

Laurel Burch Mens Native Cat Socks
$ 13.00
Laurel Burch Designs and K Bell came together to launch a Mens Line of Laurel Burch Socks. This one is called Mens Native Cat Socks. To me it reminds me of a Mask you could wear for ceremonies of long ago. Get this one for the Wild and Unique Side of YOU!Laurel Burch Mens Native Cat Socks starts on a background of Black with Navy Blue Dots The C...

Socktastic Mens 2 Pair Pack Cool Cats Socks
$ 17.95
We all wonder what our Cats are like when we are not home. Do they just lay back and sleep all day or like in the Movies do they hang out with their friends and be the Cool Cats on the Block? Well, you can guess or just show that you are the "Cool Cat" in town by wearing these fun Socks. What is also great is that you have two pair to chose from...